Shocking: Where do you see Sydney property market 12 months down the line? [Updated June 2023]

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By Joseph "Joe" Bancroft

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The Sydney property market has long been a topic of interest for investors, homeowners, and economists alike. As one of the most dynamic and high-value markets in the world, understanding its trends and future direction is crucial for making informed decisions. This investigation aims to delve into the intricacies of the Sydney property market, examining its past, present, and future to provide a comprehensive understanding of its trajectory.

Sydney, known for its iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge, is also renowned for its robust property market. The city’s real estate has seen a significant transformation over the years, with prices soaring and dipping in response to various economic and societal factors. The importance of understanding these property market trends cannot be overstated. For potential homeowners, it can mean the difference between securing a dream home or being priced out of the market. For investors, it can impact the profitability of their investments. For policymakers, it can influence decisions on housing policies and interest rates.

Historical Analysis of Sydney Property Market

To comprehend the future, we must first understand the past. The Sydney property market has experienced a rollercoaster ride over the past decade, marked by periods of rapid growth followed by slowdowns. The city’s property prices have been influenced by a myriad of factors, including economic conditions, population growth, housing supply, and government policies.

The impact of the global financial crisis in 2008 was felt in Sydney, with property prices experiencing a downturn. However, the market quickly rebounded, driven by low-interest rates and strong demand. Between 2012 and 2017, Sydney experienced a property boom, with prices skyrocketing due to high demand and limited supply. This period was characterized by intense competition among buyers, leading to soaring prices and concerns about housing affordability.

However, the boom was followed by a slowdown, with prices falling between 2017 and 2019. This was due to several factors, including tighter lending standards, higher interest rates, and a decline in foreign investment. Despite this, the market remained resilient, with prices beginning to recover towards the end of 2019.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought unprecedented challenges to the Sydney property market. The initial impact of the pandemic led to a slowdown in the market, with property prices falling due to economic uncertainty and restrictions on property inspections and auctions. However, the market demonstrated remarkable resilience, rebounding strongly in the latter part of 2020 and into 2021, driven by low-interest rates, government stimulus measures, and strong demand.

Current State of the Sydney Property Market

As we transition into 2023, the Sydney property market is demonstrating resilience and dynamism, despite the challenges it faces. Current property prices are maintaining their high levels, reflecting Sydney’s appeal as a desirable place to live and invest. However, the market is also grappling with uncertainties, influenced by factors such as the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, changes in work patterns, and fluctuations in the global economy.

The Sydney property market is currently in a state of flux. Prices have been on an upward trajectory, propelled by factors such as rising-interest rates, strong demand, and limited supply. Sydney’s attractive lifestyle, robust economy, and population growth continue to draw buyers, contributing to the upward pressure on prices.

However, the market is not without its challenges. The ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including economic uncertainty and changes in work and lifestyle patterns, are influencing buyer behavior. Additionally, affordability remains a significant issue, with high prices potentially limiting the ability of first-time buyers to enter the market.

Interestingly, despite the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) aggressive interest rate hikes, the most severe the country has seen in a generation, property prices continue to rise. This phenomenon is causing a surge in mortgage hardship calls to Westpac, one of Australia’s largest banks. The voices on the other end of these calls tell a tale of financial struggle, of tightened budgets, and of sacrifices made to keep up with rising mortgage repayments. This situation is a testament to the precarious nature of homeownership in an uncertain economic climate and the stress and anxiety it can cause.

Government policies, such as home-buying incentives, have played a significant role in shaping the market. These incentives have altered the composition of buyers, with more first-home buyers entering the market. Additionally, tax incentives related to real estate investments have also influenced the market dynamics.

However, it’s important to note that the impact of government policies can vary. While some policies, like the Help to Buy scheme, may have a modest impact, others can significantly influence market trends. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of these policies and their implications is crucial for anyone looking to navigate the Sydney property market.

Now, let’s move on to the next section of our investigation: Predictions for the Sydney Property Market. This section will delve into various forecasts for the Sydney property market in 2024, providing a glimpse into the potential future of the market.

Predictions for the Sydney Property Market

Predicting the future of the property market is no easy task. It involves analyzing a multitude of factors, including economic indicators, interest rates, housing supply and demand, and government policies. Despite the inherent complexities, several predictions have been made about the Sydney property market in 2024.

Some sources suggest that if home prices continue to rise a little further and then fall, they could return to current levels or last year’s levels by 2024. This prediction is based on the assumption that the current rate of price growth cannot be sustained indefinitely. Factors such as rising interest rates and economic uncertainty could potentially lead to a slowdown in price growth, resulting in a correction in the market.

On the other hand, PropTrack’s latest insights suggest a more optimistic outlook. They predict that if home prices grow at the same rate as the last quarter, it would revert to positive annual growth by July 2023 and supersede the prior price peak by January 2024. If this prediction comes to pass, home prices may rise by around 4.0% over 2023.

Australia’s four largest banks have also revised their housing market forecasts, shelving their previously more dire predictions for more positive price rises going into 2024. This suggests that the banking sector is confident in the resilience of the property market, despite the challenges it faces.

However, some economists are predicting that Australia’s house prices will rise again in 2024 after a brief slump coming out of the pandemic. They argue that reduced borrowing capacity, as interest rates continue to rise, is likely to cause prices to fall in 2022 and 2023. However, they expect the market to rebound in 2024, driven by factors such as economic recovery and continued demand for housing.

These varying predictions highlight the uncertainty surrounding the future of the Sydney property market. They reflect differing views on the impact of factors such as interest rates, economic conditions, and housing supply and demand. As such, they underscore the importance of careful analysis and informed decision-making for anyone looking to buy or sell property in Sydney.

In the next section, we will delve deeper into one of the key factors influencing these predictions: the impact of interest rates on property prices.

Impact of Interest Rates on Property Prices

Interest rates play a pivotal role in the property market, influencing everything from buyer demand to property prices. Understanding the relationship between interest rates and the property market is crucial for predicting future trends.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) uses interest rates as a tool to manage economic growth and inflation. When the economy is strong, the RBA may raise interest rates to keep inflation in check. Conversely, in times of economic downturn, the RBA may lower interest rates to stimulate economic activity. These changes in interest rates can have a significant impact on the property market.

When interest rates are low, borrowing becomes cheaper, which can stimulate demand for property. This increased demand can drive up property prices, as has been the case in Sydney for much of the past decade. Conversely, when interest rates rise, borrowing becomes more expensive, which can dampen demand for property and put downward pressure on prices.

Recent trends in the Sydney property market provide a clear illustration of this dynamic. After 10 months of falling prices, Sydney property prices are up again, and economists suggest that a pause in interest rate hikes could push them even higher. However, the RBA has warned that more rate rises may be coming soon, which could potentially impact property prices.

The RBA’s own analysis acknowledges the influence of the property market on economic conditions and, indirectly, on interest rates. According to the RBA, housing constitutes around half of households’ wealth. When housing prices increase, people feel wealthier and tend to spend more. This increase in spending can stimulate the economy, which can in turn influence interest rates.

However, the relationship between interest rates and property prices is not always straightforward. Other factors, such as housing supply and demand, government policies, and broader economic conditions, can also influence property prices. For example, despite successive interest rate rises leading to an immediate impact on prices and a downturn in the property market, Sydney led the way in falling first.

In the next section, we will explore the role of banks in the property market, focusing on their predictions for the market and their influence on property prices.

Role of Banks in the Property Market

Banks play a crucial role in the property market, acting as gatekeepers for many buyers, particularly first-time buyers and investors who rely on loans to make their market debut. They assess various aspects of a potential borrower’s financial situation, including their ability to service a higher interest rate, their expenses, and credit cards. This assessment determines the amount a person can borrow, which in turn influences the type of property they can afford and, ultimately, property demand and prices.

The Reserve Bank’s charter requires it to work towards the economic prosperity and welfare of all Australians, but for most people, this can be narrowed down to one issue: house prices. As such, the decisions made by the RBA, including changes to interest rates, have a significant impact on the property market.

Banks also influence the property market through their lending standards. For instance, two of Australia’s top banks have quietly relaxed some home lending standards, despite authorities urging prudence. Such changes can make it easier for people to borrow, potentially stimulating demand for property and influencing property prices.

However, it’s important to note that banks’ influence on the property market can also have negative effects. For example, if banks tighten their lending standards, it can make it harder for people to borrow, potentially dampening demand for property and putting downward pressure on prices. Similarly, if banks increase their interest rates, it can make mortgage repayments more expensive, potentially leading to an increase in mortgage defaults and a slowdown in the property market.

In recent times, Sydney’s property prices have seen an uptick, with Sydney — Australia’s most expensive market — leading the way. This rise in property prices came after a leading property analytics firm reported an increase in national dwelling prices. Banks’ lending practices and policies, along with other factors such as interest rates and government policies, have contributed to these trends.

ANZ’s Predictions for the Property Market

ANZ, one of Australia’s largest banks, has made some interesting predictions for the Sydney property market in 2024. These predictions provide valuable insights into the potential future of the market and the factors that could influence its trajectory.

ANZ has forecast house price rises in 2024 in Sydney, with a gain of 2 per cent. This prediction is based on a range of factors, including economic conditions, interest rates, and housing supply and demand. It suggests that despite the challenges facing the property market, such as rising interest rates and economic uncertainty, property prices in Sydney could continue to rise.

However, it’s important to note that ANZ’s predictions are not without their caveats. The bank acknowledges that the property market is influenced by a multitude of factors, and that changes in these factors could lead to different outcomes. For example, if interest rates rise more than expected, or if economic conditions worsen, property prices could potentially fall.

ANZ’s predictions also highlight the potential impact of wage growth on the property market. According to ANZ economist Adelaide Timbrell, steady wage increases could generate at least a five per cent rise in property prices in 2024 and beyond. This suggests that wage growth could play a key role in supporting property prices, despite the potential headwinds facing the market.

These predictions underscore the complexity of the property market and the challenges involved in predicting its future. They highlight the need for potential buyers and sellers to stay informed about market trends and to consider a range of factors when making decisions about property.


Our investigation into the Sydney property market has revealed a complex and dynamic landscape. The market has experienced significant changes over the past decade, influenced by a myriad of factors including economic conditions, interest rates, housing supply and demand, government policies, and the actions of banks.

The Sydney property market has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of challenges such as the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite periods of downturn, the market has consistently rebounded, driven by factors such as low-interest rates, strong demand, and limited supply.

Looking ahead, predictions for the Sydney property market in 2024 vary. Some sources suggest that property prices could return to current levels or last year’s levels by 2024, while others predict continued price growth. These varying predictions reflect the uncertainty surrounding the future of the market and underscore the importance of careful analysis and informed decision-making.

Interest rates play a pivotal role in the property market, influencing buyer demand and property prices. Recent trends in the Sydney property market, including rising property prices despite interest rate hikes, highlight the complex relationship between interest rates and the property market.

Banks also play a crucial role in the property market, influencing property demand and prices through their lending practices and policies. Our case study of ANZ’s predictions for the property market provided valuable insights into the potential future of the market and the factors that could influence its trajectory.

In conclusion, the Sydney property market is influenced by a multitude of factors, and predicting its future is no easy task. However, by staying informed about market trends and considering a range of factors, potential buyers and sellers can make informed decisions about property.


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A finance geek with over 20 years of experience, Joseph Bancroft, known as Joe, is the Chief Editor at Money News Biz. He's an acclaimed author, blogger, speaker, and mentor, with a knack for forecasting economic trends and identifying investment opportunities. Joe blends professional acumen with a quirky charm, making him a respected and engaging figure in the finance industry.

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