Doctor Home Loans in Australia: A Comprehensive Guide.

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By Joseph "Joe" Bancroft

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1. Introduction

Entering the world of property ownership is a significant milestone. It’s a step that signifies stability, investment, and a personal space that you can call your own. For medical professionals who have dedicated countless hours to their education and career, the journey to homeownership may seem daunting amidst their demanding schedules.

Fortunately, various Australian banking institutions have recognized the unique financial situation of doctors and have thus crafted special mortgage options tailored to their needs. These ‘Doctor Home Loans’, also known as ‘Medico Loans’, offer a host of benefits to ease the path towards property ownership for medical practitioners.

This comprehensive guide will take you through the world of Doctor Home Loans in Australia, from understanding what they are, benefits, the banks that offer them, the application process, and tips for making the most of these loans. So, whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a medical resident at the dawn of your career, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the home loan landscape confidently.

2. What are Doctor Home Loans?

Doctor Home Loans are specialized mortgage programs that banks offer specifically to medical professionals. These loans are premised on the understanding that doctors, with their high earning potential and stable income, pose a lower financial risk compared to other borrowers.

This financial reliability allows banks to offer more favorable terms and benefits to doctors, making it easier for them to secure a home loan. These preferential terms often include competitive interest rates, higher Loan-to-Value Ratios (LVR), and waived Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI). Some banks may also offer additional perks like offset accounts, redraw facilities, and flexible repayment options.

It’s important to note that while these loans are designed with medical professionals in mind, each bank has its own eligibility criteria. These criteria may include specific types of medical professionals, income levels, and employment status, among other factors.

3. Benefits of Doctor Home Loans

Waived Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI)

One of the most significant benefits of Doctor Home Loans is the potential to have the Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) waived. LMI is a one-time insurance payment that borrowers typically have to pay if they are borrowing more than 80% of their property’s value. This insurance protects the lender if the borrower fails to repay their loan.

Since LMI can amount to thousands of dollars, having it waived can result in substantial savings, reducing the upfront costs of buying a home.

Competitive Interest Rates

Banks often offer doctors lower interest rates compared to standard home loans. A lower interest rate can result in significant savings over the life of the loan.

Higher Loan-to-Value Ratios (LVR)

With a Doctor Home Loan, banks may allow you to borrow a higher percentage of your property’s value – sometimes up to 100%. This higher LVR means you might be able to buy a home with a smaller deposit.

Additional Features

Depending on the bank, a Doctor Home Loan may come with added features such as a 100% offset account, which allows you to reduce the interest paid on your loan by offsetting the loan amount with the money in your account. Other features may include flexible repayment options, redraw facilities, and the ability to split your loan between fixed and variable rates.

4. Best Doctor Home Loans in Australia

While many banks offer home loans, not all of them have special programs for doctors. Here, we’ll explore three Australian banks known for their Doctor Home Loans – Commonwealth Bank, ANZ, and Westpac.

Commonwealth Bank

The Commonwealth Bank Home Loan for Doctors is an excellent option for medical professionals. Recognizing the unique financial needs and earning potential of doctors, Commonwealth Bank has tailored a loan that offers competitive interest rates, waived LMI, and flexible repayment options.

The maximum loan amount is $634,350, with a maximum LTV of 95%, allowing doctors to borrow a significant amount towards their property. However, there are certain eligibility requirements, such as a minimum credit score of 680. The primary residence must be the property being purchased. This specificity underscores the bank’s commitment to helping doctors become homeowners.

The Commonwealth Bank Home Loan for Doctors is available to medical residents who have completed their residency or fellowship and are starting new employment or have less than six months of their residency or fellowship remaining. It also extends to existing medical professionals practicing for less than one year who hold a Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD), Doctor of Pediatric Medicine (DPM) degree and have an employment contract or verification of terms of employment acceptance.


ANZ is another bank that has crafted a home loan package specifically for medical professionals, the ANZ Doctor Home Loan. This program offers a discounted interest rate, waived LMI, and flexible repayment options. While the specifics of this loan are best obtained directly from ANZ, it’s clear that the bank understands the unique financial circumstances of doctors and is committed to offering a package that suits their needs.


Westpac is known for its comprehensive Doctor Home Loan program. In addition to a discounted interest rate and waived LMI, Westpac includes features like a 100% offset account. Westpac’s Medico Policy allows borrowers to take out a loan up to 90% LVR without LMI, with a maximum loan amount of $5 million.

No minimum income requirement is stated for a range of medical professions, including General Practitioners, Hospital-employed doctors, Medical specialists, Dentists, Veterinarians, Optometrists, and Pharmacists, among others. This inclusivity makes Westpac’s doctor home loan a viable option for a broad range of medical professionals.

Remember that each bank has its own terms and conditions, so it’s essential to explore all your options and choose the loan that best fits your personal and financial situation.

5. Applying for a Doctor Home Loan: What You Need to Know

When you’re ready to apply for a Doctor Home Loan, it’s important to understand the eligibility requirements, the necessary documentation you’ll need to provide, and the steps involved in the application process. While the specifics may vary between banks, the following provides a general guideline to prepare you for what to expect.


Eligibility for a Doctor Home Loan generally depends on your professional status and financial circumstances. In addition to being a medical professional, you may need to meet certain income requirements, have a good credit score, and be purchasing a primary residence.

Some banks also require you to have an employment contract or verification of terms of employment acceptance, especially if you’re a recent graduate or new to practicing. Remember to check with each bank for their specific eligibility criteria.

Necessary Documentation

Applying for a home loan requires you to provide several documents to verify your income, employment, and financial status. While the exact documents required may vary between banks, you’ll generally need to provide:

  • Proof of identification
  • Proof of income (such as pay slips or tax returns)
  • Proof of savings
  • Details of your debts and liabilities
  • Proof of your medical degree or your registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
  • An employment contract or verification of terms of employment acceptance (if applicable)

If you’re self-employed, you may also need to provide additional documents such as business financial statements and tax returns.

The Application Process

Once you’ve determined that you’re eligible for a Doctor Home Loan and have gathered all the necessary documentation, you can begin the application process. Here’s a general step-by-step guide:

  1. Research: Start by researching different banks and their Doctor Home Loan offerings to find the one that suits your needs best.
  2. Pre-approval: Before you start house hunting, consider getting pre-approved for a loan. Pre-approval gives you an idea of how much you can borrow and can make the home buying process smoother.
  3. Application: Once you’ve found a property you like, you can proceed with the full loan application. You’ll need to provide all the necessary documentation at this stage.
  4. Assessment: The bank will assess your application, which may include a credit check and a valuation of the property you wish to purchase.
  5. Approval: If your application is successful, the bank will approve your loan. You’ll then receive a loan contract that you should review carefully before signing.
  6. Settlement: Once the loan contract is signed and returned, the bank will provide the funds for the purchase at settlement.

6. Choosing the Right Doctor Home Loan

With several banks offering Doctor Home Loans, choosing the right one can seem daunting. Here are some factors to consider to help you make an informed decision.

Interest Rates

One of the first things to look at when comparing home loans is the interest rate. A lower rate means you’ll pay less interest over the life of the loan, which can save you a significant amount of money. However, don’t just look at the rate itself – also consider whether the rate is fixed or variable. Fixed rates stay the same for a set period, giving you certainty about your repayments, while variable rates can go up or down, potentially saving you money if rates decrease.

Loan Features

Different loans come with different features, and it’s essential to consider which ones are important to you. For instance, some loans come with an offset account, which can help reduce the amount of interest you pay. Other features to look for include the ability to make extra repayments without penalty, the option to split your loan between fixed and variable rates, and redraw facilities.

Lender’s Mortgage Insurance (LMI)

LMI is insurance that protects the lender if you default on your loan. It’s usually required if you’re borrowing more than 80% of the property’s value. However, many Doctor Home Loans come with waived LMI, which can save you a significant amount of money.

Customer Service

Don’t underestimate the importance of good customer service. You want to choose a bank that will be responsive and helpful, both during the application process and throughout the life of your loan.

Professional Advice

Finally, consider seeking advice from a professional, such as a mortgage broker or financial advisor. They can provide personalized advice based on your financial situation and help you navigate the home loan process.

Comprehensive Guide to Doctor Home Loans
Comprehensive Guide to Doctor Home Loans

7. The Pros and Cons of Doctor Home Loans

Like any financial product, Doctor Home Loans come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision about whether this type of loan is right for you.


  • Waived LMI: As previously mentioned, one of the key advantages of Doctor Home Loans is the potential to have your LMI waived. This could save you thousands of dollars.
  • Higher borrowing limits: Banks are often willing to lend a larger amount to doctors due to their high earning potential and low risk of default. This could enable you to buy a more expensive property than you could with a standard loan.
  • Discounted interest rates: Some Doctor Home Loans come with lower interest rates than standard home loans, which could save you a significant amount of money over the life of your loan.
  • Flexible repayment options: Many Doctor Home Loans offer flexible repayment options, such as the ability to make extra repayments without penalty, which could help you pay off your loan faster.


  • Limited availability: Doctor Home Loans are only available to certain professions in the medical field. If you’re not eligible, you’ll need to consider other types of home loans.
  • Potentially higher interest rates: While some Doctor Home Loans come with discounted rates, others may have higher rates than standard home loans, particularly if they include features like waived LMI.
  • Stricter eligibility requirements: Doctor Home Loans often have stricter eligibility requirements than standard home loans. For instance, you may need to provide proof of your medical degree or your registration with a relevant medical board.

8. Frequently Asked Questions

To further enhance your understanding of Doctor Home Loans, let’s look at some commonly asked questions and their answers.

Q: Can I use a Doctor Home Loan to buy an investment property?

A: This depends on the bank and the specific loan product. Some Doctor Home Loans are only available for the purchase of a primary residence, while others may allow you to purchase investment properties. It’s always best to check with the bank directly.

Q: Do I need to have a certain amount of work experience to be eligible for a Doctor Home Loan?

A: Eligibility requirements can vary between banks. Some banks may require you to have a certain amount of work experience, while others may not. For instance, some banks may offer Doctor Home Loans to medical residents or doctors who have recently completed their residency.

Q: Can I still qualify for a Doctor Home Loan if I have a large amount of student loan debt?

A: Yes, many banks understand that medical professionals often have high levels of student loan debt. Some banks may even exclude your deferred student loan debt from your debt-to-income calculations for the purposes of a Doctor Home Loan.

Q: Can I get a Doctor Home Loan if I’m self-employed?

A: Yes, self-employed doctors can typically qualify for Doctor Home Loans. However, you may need to provide additional documentation, such as business financial statements and tax returns.

9. Final Thoughts and Considerations

Obtaining a Doctor Home Loan can be an excellent way for medical professionals to realize their home-owning dreams. However, like any significant financial decision, it’s essential to do your research, understand the terms and conditions, and consider whether it’s the right choice for your specific needs and circumstances.

Here are a few final thoughts and considerations to keep in mind as you navigate this process:

  • Seek professional advice: Don’t hesitate to seek advice from a mortgage broker, financial advisor, or another professional experienced in home loans. They can provide personalized advice and help you navigate the complexities of the home loan process.
  • Consider your long-term plans: Your home loan should fit in with your long-term financial goals. Consider things like how long you plan to stay in the home, your career trajectory, and any plans for family expansion.
  • Read the fine print: Before agreeing to any loan, make sure you fully understand the terms and conditions. Pay particular attention to any fees, the interest rate, and any penalties for early repayment.
  • Plan for the unexpected: While doctors generally enjoy stable, high-income jobs, it’s still important to plan for the unexpected. Ensure you have a buffer in your budget to accommodate potential interest rate increases, unexpected expenses, or changes in your income.

Remember, buying a home is not just a financial decision but a lifestyle one too. Make sure the home you choose suits your lifestyle needs as well as your budget.

In conclusion, a Doctor Home Loan can offer significant benefits to those in the medical profession. With waived or reduced LMI, competitive interest rates, and higher borrowing limits, it can be a great way to get onto the property ladder. However, as with any financial product, it’s crucial to thoroughly research your options, understand the terms and conditions, and consider seeking professional advice to ensure you make the best decision for your financial future.


  • Commonwealth Bank Home Loan for Doctors: Link
  • ANZ Doctor Home Loan: Link
  • Westpac Doctor Home Loan: Link
  • Home Loan Experts: Link
  • Odin Mortgage: Link
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A finance geek with over 20 years of experience, Joseph Bancroft, known as Joe, is the Chief Editor at Money News Biz. He's an acclaimed author, blogger, speaker, and mentor, with a knack for forecasting economic trends and identifying investment opportunities. Joe blends professional acumen with a quirky charm, making him a respected and engaging figure in the finance industry.

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